Protecting Your Intellectual Property Rights
In today's competitive environment, the most valuable property most businesses own is intellectual property: patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets. If you are uncertain whether you have intellectual property that can be protected, or if you know that your valuable intellectual property has been used without permission, you want an experienced attorney to protect your interests.
We advise clients regarding all types of intellectual property, including:
Trademarks: We will help you file for trademark protection. We can educate you regarding how to come up with a trademark, including ways to improve the chances that your trademark will be granted. We can also help you comply with the requirements to obtain and keep a trademark. We handle trademark litigation, working with you to stop infringement and get damages, when applicable.
Copyrights: We can file for copyright protection for you, and show you how to submit materials to the U.S. Copyright Office for registration. We will also help you seek injunctive relief against any unauthorized use of copyrighted materials, and damages for violation of your copyright.
Trade Secrets: We can help you put a trade secret agreement in place to protect proprietary information and will file suit on your behalf for any violation of a trade secret agreement.
Other Intellectual Property services include:
• Software License Agreements
• Non-disclosure and Confidentiality Agreements (“NDAs”)
• Rights Enforcement or Defense in Infringement Disputes